RED NOTICE 2 Teaser Trailer (2024) With The Rock Dwayne Johnson & Ryan Reynoldsb
Red Notice is a 2021 American action comedy film written, directed, and produced by Rawson Marshall Thurber. Dwayne Johnson, who also served as a producer, stars as an FBI agent…

SOT.”Ella: The Purrfect Palette – Um gato com impressionante pelo pastel”.
No mundo da beleza felina, existe uma gata cujo encanto etéreo e aparência encantadora conquistaram os corações de todos que a encontram. Conheça Ella, uma felina magnífica cujo pelo pastel…

WHITE TIGER (2024) With Jenna Ortega & Tom Holland
White Tiger é a identidade usada por vários personagens fictícios que aparecem nos quadrinhos americanos publicados pela Marvel Comics. O primeiro Tigre Branco (Hector Ayala) foi criado pelo escritor Bill…

JOHN CARTER 2 Teaser (2024) With Taylor Kitsch & Samantha Morton
John Carter é um filme americano de ação e aventura de ficção científica de 2012 dirigido por Andrew Stanton, escrito por Stanton, Mark Andrews e Michael Chabon e baseado em…

CONSTANTINE 2 (2024) With Keanu Reeves & Peter Stormare
Constantine é um filme de terror de super-heróis americano de 2005, dirigido por Francis Lawrence em sua estreia na direção. Escrito por Kevin Brodbin e Frank Cappello, é baseado na…

PREDATOR 6: Badlands Teaser (2024) With Arnold Schwarzenegger & Michael B. Jordan
Predator is a 1987 Americaп scieпce fictioп actioп film directed by Johп McTierпaп aпd writteп by brothers Jim aпd Johп Thomas. It is the first iпstallmeпt iп the Predator fraпchise….

Justice League is a 2017 American superhero film based on the DC Comics superhero team of the same name. Produced by RatPac-Dune Entertainment, DC Films, Atlas Entertainment, and Cruel and…

WONDER WOMAN 3 Teaser (2024) Với Gal Gadot & Mark Ruffalo
Wonder Woman is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character is a founding member of the Justice League. The character first appeared in All…

“Maybe to move up to No. 1” – Jonathan Givony says Spurs could ship No. 8 and No. 4 picks to move up in Draft Order
The Saп Aпtoпio Spυrs are iп a rebυildiпg phase to retυrп to their oпce glorioυs, champioпship-wiппiпg ways. While they already have Victor Wembaпyama, the Spυrs are oп the lookoυt for…

JOHN CARTER 2 (2024) Taylor Kitsc, Holly Weston
John Carter is a 2012 American science fiction action-adventure film directed by Andrew Stanton, written by Stanton, Mark Andrews, and Michael Chabon, and based on A Princess of Mars, the…