Humble Messi bodyguard treats Mateo Messi like his son

Behind the scenes of Lionel Messi’s illustrious career, there is a humble bodyguard who stands out not only for his dedication to ensuring the safety of the football superstar but…

Messi is coming for ALL the MLS records | This week in the Messiverse

In the realm of Major League Soccer (MLS), a new era is about to dawn as the legendary Lionel Messi enters the scene. With his arrival, an air of excitement…

World No.1 Scottie Scheffler set to miss Well Fargo Championship as golfer awaits birth of first child

Scottie Scheffler has claimed four wins in his last five PGA Tour starts. Scottie Scheffler (Image via Imago) As golfers prepare themselves for the Wells Fargo Championship, they will be…

“I don’t need to win again,” Ian Poulter SLAMS critics following poor performances on LIV Golf

Ian Poulter is currently ranked at 37th in the season long LIV Golf standings. Ian Poulter (Image via Imago) As LIV Golf wrapped up the Singapore event, Ian Poulter and his team…

Tiger Woods will play the PGA Champions Tour in a cart due to injuries

A coυple of years ago, Tiger Woods reiterated his refυsal to play a toυrпameпt iп a golf cart. However, after his coпsiderable problems with iпjυries, Paυl Brdoadhυrst assυred that the former world пυmber oпe will…