NY couple reels in safe filled with $100,000 cash while magnet fishing in lake

New York City couple got their hands on about $100,000 in cash from a safe they pulled up from a lake while ‘magnet fishing’ in Corona Park.

To pull of this unique feat, James Kane and Barbie Agostini attached a neodymium magnet – which go for as little as $21.99 on Amazon – to a fishing rod and reeled the old safe out from the depths of the water.

And at first, it was a mundane discovery because as Kane told NY1: ‘We have found plenty of safes before, this is just what a magnet fisher does.’

The couple explained that the safes they find are usually empty, save for some plastic baggies that once held cash. But after they wrenched this one open, it became clear that they’d stumbled on quite the score.

‘We pulled it out and there were two stacks of freaking hundreds. Big stacks,’ Kane said.

James Kane, an avid magnet fisher, is seen pulling an old, mud-covered safe out from a lake in Corona Park in Queens

James Kane, an avid magnet fisher, is seen pulling an old, mud-covered safe out from a lake in Corona Park in Queens

Kane holds a soaking wet stack of hundred dollar bills from the safe

Kane holds a soaking wet stack of hundred dollar bills from the safe

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