The Moors’ tells a gripping story that follows the tale of a dog walker whose fate takes a dark turn on the moorlands of Baildon. Alongside two fly-tippers, they unknowingly become prey to a mysterious beast, as well as eight other individuals attending a party hosted by a dubious property developer new to the area.
As the bodies start to surface, DCI Ash Farrell & DCI Dean Sutcliffe, assigned to the case, begins to unravel the unsettling truth hidden within the seemingly idyllic village of Baildon. Baildon, a seemingly perfect village, harbours a sinister secret that stretches back four decades. Over the years, countless visitors have vanished on the moors, leaving no trace of their existence. However, with the discovery of one of the fly-tipper’s bodies by a passerby, the community’s dark secret is finally exposed.
DCI Sutcliffe & DCI Farrell, determined to uncover the truth, delves deep into the enigmatic history of Baildon. As they both peel back the layers of the village’s history, they stumble upon a web of deceit and cover-ups. The residents of Baildon, aware of the mysterious force that lurks within their lands, have maintained an unspoken agreement.
As long as outsiders respect the community and their surroundings, they are safe. However, those who dare to disrespect the land, regardless of their affiliation, are dealt with mercilessly by an unseen malevolent entity. With each revelation, they soon realises that the darkness that plagues Baildon runs deeper than they initially anticipated. They uncover a complex network of interconnected individuals, all linked to the malevolent force that has claimed countless lives over the years.