Mmmiictin is th css svin th t th litl in mlmin lsh. This ticll invlv mvin mist m cs n sin chmicls ntl svtivs, sch s sin, t sicct th lsh n ns.
Ol mmmis liv t hv n ntll sv in thm in st sn n w nt chmicll tt. Th Etins cnsi tht th ws n li tt thn th snt, s wnt t s it wl cntin t th. This l t th mmmiictin css, which cm t mi s tht i th ws st, sn’s siit miht lst in th tli.
Th Mmmiictin Pcss in ncint Et. Illsttin : Chistin J
Ancint Etins lv li n liv in immtlit. This mtivt thm t mk l lns thi th. Whil this m sm cntict, Etins, it m ct sns: Th liv tht li wl cntin t th n tht th wl still n thi hsicl is. Ths, svin is in s lilik w s ssil ws th l mmmiictin, n ssntil t th cntintin li.
This histicl twk ncint Etins mvin minl ns n t mlmin. At th th ncint Etins wl imms th in icnt s, injct th tis with lsms, n mv th cntnts th ts (s sn h) n lc thm with itmins n mtic sstncs.
Finll th ws w in clths (s sn lw). Whn kin ws mmmii th msk (cnt lt) m l n lis lzli ws ls m n lc n th mmm’s h. Th css ws n t sv th . This kt sn’s li-c (knwn s K) intct ccin t th ncint Etin li.
“T, Etin ctics th n th tli intimtl sscit with mmmis, which hv th scint n tii l cntis. In cntlss mvis, ths sv is m ncint tims tn shwn t msticl cts tht cm ck m th t xct vn.
In th sm vin, v th cntis, Etin scit sst tht th ws tm cs “cs th hhs” tht ns nn wh ist thi tms, inclin thivs n chlists, wl s lck vn th.
Anis ttnin th mmm Snnjm, wll intin m th Tm Snnjm (TT1). Nw Kinm, 19th Dnst, c. 1292-1189 BC. Di l-Min, Wst Ths.
In lit, Etin mmmis hv n sv thht tim t th mticls css tht ct thm, n whil Etin mmmis th mst ms, th sv is m ll n th wl m css hist.
Sm ths mmmis w ccints nt, whil ths w m intntinl, sv thh hmn intvntin. In Et, th ist mmmis sm t hv n ntl, t t thi iscv, mmmiictin cm tim-hn titin in this ncint civiliztin.”
— Th Mmmis Ancint Et: Th Hist n Lc th Etins (#)
Mmmiictin css is liv t hv tkn n 70 s, ccmni mn itls. Th ns th cs w cll mv thh smll incisin (10 cm) in th lt si th n sv in cnic js.
Th ws thn i in sim nitt, nitt slt ht m Wi El Ntn, t 40 s, n inll w in ns linn. Micl mlts w lc within th wins n vis ts th t tct th cs. Th mil thn civ th n lc it in cin il.
Th mmmiictin csss s th ncint Etins knwn t s thh scitins lt Hts (5th cnt BC) in Bk II his Histis.
Th lnst n mst cstl c i mvl th intnl ns m th with th liv, lns, intstins, n stmch in mlm stl. Th in ws xtct with hk inst thh th nsl cvit whil th th ns w mv thh ct m in th lw t th stmch.
Nxt th nti ws cln n ill with ns sk in minl sstncs n th ct ws swn n tct l.
Th ncint Etins nt nl li mlmin t hmns t ls t mn nimls (cts, s, is, snks n ccils) vtivs n itl ss. Th Anis ls knwn s In (th jckl) ws sntin th th, mlmin n mmmiictin.
Anis nctin s ivin mlm, n th ists wh svis th mmmiictin th wl w msks Anis t stn in th . This ivin imsntin xtn t th nl th , wh Anis (in th m isis ist) wl snt th mmm ssntil cmnis.
Mmm n lt mnRmn Pi, c. 30 BC-395 CE. Nw in th Bitish Msm. EA6704
It ws in ncint Et, hwv, tht mmmiictin ch its tst ltin. Th ist Etin mmmis in th chlicl c t ximtl 3500 BC.
B th tim th Ol Kinm, A th Pmis (c. 2686-2181 BC), mmmiictin ws wll ntnch in Etin scit. It cm minst in ssnt is, chin ticl hihts shistictin in th Nw Kinm (c. 1550-1070 BC).
Th mmmiictin in ncint Et ws ticll sv th lit scit sch s lt, nl milis, vnmnt icils n th wlth. Cmmn l w l mmmii cs th ctic ws xnsiv. Th ncint Etins liv tht mmmiictin wl nt tht th sl th i sn wl nt th tli.
In ncint Et, l hl siniicnt smlism in th css mmmiictin. Gl ws sscit with th sn R, wh ws liv t hv th w t nt tnl li. It snt th ivin n ws cnsi sml immtlit n th tli.
Gl ws s t n th is th cs, ticll kins n th hih-nkin inivils, s it ws liv t tct n sv thi is in th jn t th tli. It ws ls s t ct intict il msks n th n jcts, shwcsin th wlth n stts th cs.